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wah, gw baru aja ngepost posting sebelumya, n tiba2 dateng email yg menyatakan masuknya comment di posting gw yg udah lama sekali.. "should i hate boys"

email tentang posting sebelumnya baru mask inbox, selang 2detik email ttg comment ini jg masuk.. weleh,, ahahaha..

gw copy paste disini, gak diubah2 kok. kalo mau liat aslinya silahkan, ada di posting gw yg "should i hate boys" itu. gw copy disini biar bisa sekalian dibahas :P

commentnya bagus,, baca yah.. :D

"baru pernah gw liat blogger yg kasi real life name (and w/out changing them)... ya myspace is crammed with these kinds of confession, but anyway gw jg jarang2 liat blog-o-sphere indo.

ya sbetulnya gw cuman stumble upon your blog from google... so consider this as a passerby point of view.

berhubung philosophic theme dari blog lo (that's a good quote from immanuel kant), gw suggest lo coba define 'boys' dl; well since you're in the trap of hating all males (or ending up not trusting any one of them)...

I think adolescent males in general are, er..., unfortunately... lacking of virtue. Yes, I'm a male, which means it includes me.

Pornography is part of the great temptations, and it is sad to say that males indeed deem them as... 'routine' for them. I will not say that i'm not part of them, but indeed everyday the temptations have always been the same. We've seen the dirt, and the dirt stays on our mind... You can say this as a 'curse' for someone who's playing fire with porns. And for someone who's already taken to indulging of the forbidden, it takes a whole great deal of conviction to stop the addiction. I should stop here, because men's minds, if you rlly want to know, are great messes.

that's why you, as a woman, should not be swayed by mere kind words and heartfelt talks. (though you may know the NoActionTalkOnly phrase, it is a cliche actually. Talking is already an action)

In this context, a man is supposed to take the lead and help his girlfriend be a better person she is; and to take a lead, he should know how to lead himself in the right direction.

And using this anonymous name, may i give you a little suggestion for you to take an effort to discern the maturity of the opposite gender that you meet. Then, you can define which is which... 'boys', 'gentle'-men, or men with virtue."

well,, boleh ditanggapi ngga?

what a nice comment you gave me. gw cuman nyengir aja ada yg comment sekarang di posting gw yg dah lama. :D

mengulas, mengkritik, memberi masukan dan nasehat. haha,, ;p kapan punya pembaca yg gini. bisa brainstorming nih sama dia. sayang tidak meninggalkan nama (takut gw tulis kali ya..), semoga aja dia sering2 visit blog gw, jadi bisa dapet kritikan. jarang2 dapet yg kayak gini..

cuma mau menanggapi. waktu itu gw dalam keadaan sakit hati sama beberapa orang cowo. gw tidak dan belum dewasa (sekarang jg belum..). waktu itu bimbang sama seorang cowo (akhirnya sempet jadi sih..)..

mungkin sekarang gw masih belom merubah pemikiran gw mengenai cowo. sekarang gw cuma baru bisa memaklumi, belum memahami. dan gw agak anti sama cowo2 yg dengan bangga menunjukan 'kebrengsekan'nya di sepan cewe2, serasa jagoan gtu.. haha,, ;p

untungnya cowo2 yang gw temukan di kampus ngga senorak cowo2 di skola gw dulu..

soal nama yg gw sebutin. hmm,, tau darimana itu nama asli? apa lo kenal salah satunya? well,, yg mana? ato lo orangnya? trus tersinggung dan akhirnya menulis comment ini? ehehehehe.. *prematur conclusion i think..*

soal filsafat immanuel kant,, yup i love it. keren, tapi temen2 gw bilang itu ngga penting. mungkin buat mereka yg penting itu adalah cuma sesuatu yg keluar di ujian nanti.. :(

mr. anonymous, thx a lot. :D
visit again okey? ;p


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