The Benchwarmer (2006) and Pride and Prejudice (2005).. i put it in one line to refer it.
this 2 film are completely deferent. from the actors, the directors, the year they made, and surely the story. :D
but both of this film got a good intermessage.
this 2 film are completely deferent. from the actors, the directors, the year they made, and surely the story. :D
but both of this film got a good intermessage.

Director : Dennis Dugan
Writers : Allen Covert & Nick Swardson
the story told 'bout bullying in baseball. Gus (Rob Schneider), Clark (David Heder), and Richie (David Spade) together they make a baseball team to get revenge to people that bullied them, with help from Mel (Jon Lovitz) wich his son were bullies. they called their team "The Benchwarmer". "The Benchwarmer" winning all their games and went to the final. but than the press says that Gus was the one of people that do bullies in his school. but this film had a good ending,, just watch it :D
film ini memiliki sisi serius di dalam humornya. sangat menyentuh, dan menggelitik. taruhan deh, lo ngga mungkin ngga ketawa kalo nonton ini :D
kalo denger kata "bully" gw jadi inget satu anak di panti asuhan vincentius yang sering kena "bully". anaknya baik, tapi gw ngga tau kenapa anak2 lain malah "bully" dia. well, maybe because he's diffrent. hm,,

Director : Joe Wright
Writers : Jane Austen (novel) & Deborah Moggach (screenplay)
pake indo aja yah,, film ini menceritakan tentang kehidupan Elizabeth Bennet (Kiera Knightley), yang keluarganya tidak dipandang sebagai keluarga yang layak untuk dijadikan besan atau menantu. Dengan obsesi ibunya yang ingin menjadi bangsawan terpandang, ke empat saudara perempuannya tumbuh menjadi gadis yang mencari ketenaran dan uang. Lizzie terus bergulat di tengah pandangan rendah masyarakat terhadap keluarganya. Setelah bertemu Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) yang kemudian menyatakan cintanya, Lizzie bimbang dengan perasaannya sendiri dan larangan keras dari bibi Mr. Darcy..

btw, gw dapet gambarnya lagi. bagusan yg ini :D
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