Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix.. well,, filmnya dah muncul, tapi gw belom nonton. sedihnya.. padahal temen2 gw dah pada nonton gtu. :(
waktu pertama baca bukunya gw langsung tertarik sama Luna Lovegood. dia aneh, tapi banyak tau hal2 yang sebenernya orang lain ngga tau, cara dia memandang hidup tuh beda. itu makanya dia di bilang aneh. pas nonton HBO first look ttg hapot ke 5 ini, gw makin tertarik sama si Luna satu ini yg akhirnya di peranin sama Evanna Lynch..
mnurut gw Evanna tuh cantik! putuh bgt!! n dia meranin Luna tuh bagus bgt!! (liat trailernya di HBO FL).. i love her at the 1st sight..
nih gw sampe nyari data2 dia.. -^^-
Rowling has often said that Luna is the "anti-Hermione," as Luna believes things on faith alone while Hermione grounds her views on facts and logic. Hermione repeatedly tries to convince Luna that her beliefs are nonsense, but to no avail. Hermione sees Luna as gullible, and Luna views Hermione as narrow-minded. By the end of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione realised that Luna would never falter in her beliefs. Despite their different views, Luna is seen comforting Hermione in the sixth book after Ron cruelly mocks her. Despite Luna's dottiness, she is often perceptive about human nature, and Harry notes her knack for blunt honesty.
Family Background
Though Luna's blood purity is never discussed, both her parents are magical: her father is the editor of The Quibbler, and she remarks that her mother was an extraordinary witch. This does not necessarily make her a pureblood, however, as it is possible that one or both of them is Muggle-born or a half-blood with a Muggle parent. Rowling has said that in order to be considered pureblood, all of one's grandparents must be wizards. Therefore, if both her parents are muggle-borns, she might have muggle-born status.
Luna says her mother liked to "experiment." She died when one of her spells went "rather badly wrong." Luna says calmly that the way her mother died was "rather horrible" and admits she still feels sad about it at times, but she is relieved she still has her father. As Luna witnessed her mother's death at the age of nine, she has been able to see thestrals since she arrived at Hogwarts.
Luna and her family do not appear until Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire it is mentioned that a family called the Lovegoods live in the area of Stoatshead Hill (as do the Fawcett and Diggory families), a Devon hill within walking distance of The Burrow, the family home of the Weasleys.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luna_LovegoodRowling: "Evanna is perfect"
APRIL 5, 2006 at 7:32 AM
It was exciting to see some of the new Order of the Phoenix sets, but most of all to see the actors again - slightly unnerving to realise that nearly all of them are taller than me now (I speak, of course, of the teenagers; Michael Gambon was always taller than me, and very lovely he looked in his new robes, too.) Apart from the pleasure of seeing Tom Felton, Devon Murray, Alfred Enoch, Sitara Shah (and waving through the door at Bonnie Wright, who was busy being tutored), I had a great time talking to Dan and Matthew about books, Rupert about how his sisters never wind him up, Oliver and James about how difficult they find it to wind each other up, and Emma about Hermione's love life. Also met, and had a long chat, with Evanna Lynch (Luna), about whom there is only one possible thing to say: perfect
Personal Live
Lynch is from Termonfeckin, County Louth, Ireland. She lives with her father Donal, mother Marguerite, elder sisters Máiréad and Emily, and younger brother Patrick.[1]

It was revealed on February 2, 2006 that Lynch, who was then fourteen, had been cast as Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after her father flew her to London for the open audition for the role,[4] beating nearly 15,000 girls in the auditions.[citation needed] She began the actual filming of Order of the Phoenix at the end of February at Leavesden Studios in England.
The open call was made because the producers felt that a conventional actress would not be suitable for the role of the eccentric Luna Lovegood. As producer David Heyman recounted in the ITV2 documentary, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Behind the Magic", "We had three girls who we thought would be good, but they were going to act Luna, they weren't going to be Luna."
Lynch had the chance to meet Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling at the Leavesden Studios lot during the early stages of the fifth film's production. After a long chat, Rowling had one thing to say about Lynch portraying Luna: "perfect".[5] However, as Lynch has naturally medium to golden dark blonde hair, her hair had to be bleached blonde for the role of Luna. On set Lynch became very good friends with fellow actresses Bonnie Wright (who plays Ginny Weasley), Katie Leung (who plays Cho Chang) and Afshan Azad (who plays Padma Patil).
Since the release of the film, she has received many positive reviews, being called one of the true "standouts" of the film.
Lynch is a huge Harry Potter fan and, according to her family, is obsessed with the series. As a younger child, she constantly wrote to J.K. Rowling, and in one such letter the youngster commented how much she would love to act in a Harry Potter film but doubted this would happen as she lived in "this sleepy little place called Termonfeckin, where nothing ever happened". To Lynch's surprise, Rowling replied, saying "Don't be too hard on Termonfeckin; it does have a brilliant name! And I come from a very sleepy place".[1]
In 2003, aged eleven, Lynch was disappointed that she would miss the release of the fifth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as she had been hospitalised. However, the hospital released her for the morning of the launch and a local bookstore arranged for her to receive a copy signed by author Rowling.[6] On the day, Lynch was dressed in a Harry Potter T-shirt and had scrawled "I love Harry Potter" down her arms. She had also painted her fingernails blue with "Harry Potter" written on every second nail and the Golden Snitch on every other one, as well as sporting painted-on black Harry Potter glasses.[6] Lynch's love for the novels even saw her choosing to name her cat Luna, who has had several kittens, one of them named Dumbledore. Another cat she'd owned which died in early 2006 had been named Crookshanks, after character Hermione Granger's cat.[7]
Lynch is an avid visitor to the Harry Potter fan site MuggleNet.[8] She also called in to the popular Harry Potter-themed podcast, PotterCast, to talk about the title of the seventh Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
aq sependapat.. luna emang unik.. apalagi pas nonton film, pas banget yg meraninnya.. evana bukan orang biasa, dia penggemar harry potter sejati. makanya peran di filmnya kerasa luna banget.. cantik juga klo g pake makeup, klo bermake up mah kerasa aneh..